Member-only story
WTF Does the Dept. of Defense Defend?
Remind me
Our daddies, you know those guys in Washington DC who go to bed safe every night and have really awesome health care coverage (yeah, them), recently decided that we are done with this tiresome pandemic thing so they pulled $15.6 billion in Covid-19 relief and popped that and another honking big pile of our tax money over to the U.S. military.
Ready for this? You’re scraping by and hoping not to get the virus while the military just got handed $782 BILLION (I don’t even know how many zeroes that has).
Maybe some people feel more secure and righteous knowing that.
I feel sick.
And confused.
What exactly is our bloated, over-funded Department of Defense defending?
A greedy, short-sighted, violent country that allows its citizens to die by the hundreds of thousands from easily preventable conditions (how’s the water, Flint?)? A country that pits its citizens against each other to the benefit of billionaires who profit from disaster and discord? A country that has lost every bit of international goodwill and public credibility over the course of the past eighty years? A country that takes our taxes and uses the money we earn to arm anyone anywhere it feels will advance its interests?