Words I Love

Robust. What a great word.

Remington Write


Image courtesy of Pixnio

What’s your favorite word?

I can’t just pick one. I have entire lists of words that do such wonderful things to my brain when I say or write them.

Robust. Now that’s a really great word. It sounds like what it is. It is robust!

Some words only reveal themselves to be wonderful with rapid repetition. This works best with words that are more than one syllable otherwise it just sound like barking. Ah, see?


Excellent example. Try it. You’ll probably want to be by yourself saying BarkingBarkingBarkingBarking over and over again. Although if you do it on public transportation you’re more likely to have the seat to yourself.

Some words are better spoken aloud and some are best written.

Stretch is a word that begs to be spoken aloud. It’s also one of those words I completely spaced on being able to spell one day. I’m a good speller but that word vanished from my mind’s eye and it took half an hour to figure out how it was spelled.

Linger is an excellent word; another one that sounds like what it means. It kind of slips along the back of my tongue and out between my lips when I say it. I let it linger.

