Photo Credit — AleXander Hirka / Somewhere in the city / Used with permission

Member-only story

The More You Give…

The more you get to give

Remington Write
3 min readApr 17, 2022


Some things are just completely counterintuitive AF. Love, service, and attention defy conventional wisdom (unlike money, time, and really good blueberry pie) in that the more you give of these things, the more you have to give. Makes no sense whatsoever.

We’ve evolved to hang onto everything we can grab (hence the “success” of the species). But it’s turning into a liability, my fellow bipeds.

Certainly, our propensity to grab and hoard and protect with bared teeth has fueled the deadly levels of economic inequality that are currently threatening society at all levels. As the desperation of the have-nots and have-littles grows, the knee-jerk response of everyone is to grab more. When we take a look at how our world responds to the many grave threats that abound we are not seeing the actions of rational beings.

Caught up in the delusion that we are separate entities who have to claw, rip, and take from others to survive, we have also forgotten that the love and attention and care we give to others — not just those who look and live like us, btw — nourishes us.

I’ll never know how close to physically dying I was 29 years ago when I hit the wall. Up until that point, I lived solely on a basis of gimme gimme gimme. It seemed clear that the more stuff I accumulated, the…



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