Photo Credit — AleXander Hirka / Used with permission / Mummy’s oblivious to darling’s distress

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If You Love That Dog So Much…

WTF are you making the poor animal ride on the subway?

Remington Write
2 min readOct 12, 2022


Twice today I watched people carrying their dogs down to the subway and in both instances, the dogs were clearly not digging the experience.

In fact, one was white-eyed and struggling to make an escape (there is no escape, Rex, chill). Please note that in neither case was Rex safely tucked away in one of those cute dog-purses. Nope. Rex 1 and Rex 2 were just being hauled down the stairs into what is certainly one of the circles of hell in his owner’s arms.

People in the United States apparently really really love their dogs. To the tune of over 103 billion dollars annually. That’s billions, Asta, not millions.

New Yorkers are especially attached to their pups. As in so attached, they can’t seem to leave them home when they go out. This has escalated alarmingly since our friend, The Virus, came to stay. Not only are people bringing Poopsie to the grocery store, the drugstore, and the post office they’re even bringing them to outdoor restaurants often feeding them from their plates (this is me averting my eyes).

This is all kinds of icky to those of us not completely ga-ga over dogs. For the record, I like other people’s dogs well enough when they’re not in spaces where food is being prepared and/or…



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