Don’t Pet This Cat

Helpful advice from the woman who did

Remington Write


Photo Credit — Remington Write / I should have known better

This photo is misleading…or maybe not. Certainly I wouldn’t put my hand near that face. Would you?

Except the cat was cuddly and friendly, purring and sliding the side of its face against my hand. We call them bodega cats regardless of whether the shop we find them in are actually bodegas. This particular shop could never be mistaken for a bodega. It’s not on a corner, doesn’t sell lottery tickets or malt liquor or chopped cheese sandwiches. It’s a health food store with a juice bar off to the side and a wide selection of organic and vegan foods and goods.

Nice place if a bit pricy. Insider tip: Discounts on Tuesdays for seniors.

So there’s me and there’s the cat and everything is harmonious and idyllic. Then I had apparently worn out my welcome because the darling widdle puddy tat shifted position and began sniffing my fingers. I recognized the shift and stopped petting, allowing my fickle new friend to sniff my hand while contemplating an escape.

I contemplated too long.

In a flash, the cat grabbed my wrist with both front paws and dug in the claws while sinking its sharp teeth into the ring finger of my right hand.

Bizarrely enough, in that moment the first thought that came into the front of…

