Photo Credit — Remington Write / Intact America representing at Pride 2022

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Controlling Men

Welp, circumcision didn’t seem to do the trick

Remington Write
3 min readOct 19, 2022


Oh, geeze, not again! She’s not going to go on about how circumcision is a violation of the bodily autonomy of baby boys again, is she? That it’s inhumane and devastates the psyches of infants in their first days of life. That it hurts!

Oh, yes, indeed.

That and more, my little Droogies. That and much more.

First, allow me to introduce you to Eric Clopper, an unlikely champion of leaving little boys' penises intact. Clopper is not intact himself. This is a guy who had two major strikes against him ever escaping the scalpel. He’s American and he’s Jewish.

However, he has declared war on this “ancient and evil ideology,” one that is “hideous and duplicitous.”

A point that he forcefully makes over and over is the fact that all genital cutting is done with the intent to limit or “tame” our sexual natures. It’s no secret that certain cultures prefer their women circumcised to make sure they’re not promiscuous (and some cultures wish they could take care of their women that decisively…right GOP?).

But we know the fella with the cornflakes, Dr. Kellogg, pushed circumcision as a way to keep horny young hands off the goods. Sex is pretty nasty to begin with, right Dr. K?, but masturbation? Cut…



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