Member-only story
999 Stories on the Wall
Take one down, pass it around, 998 stories on the wall
How long have I been doing this now? Not that long. What? Three years? Ish? Let’s see. I think I jumped in for real here in December 2018.
However, having published nine-hundred-and-ninety-nine stories deserves a hearty slap on the back and at least one sincere attagirl.
I’ll wait.
Ok, we can come back to that.
My first dipping of toes here were my super mini movie reviews. I’ve never been much of a cinephile but my partner in life and art really is (my good luck). Oddly enough, watching movies with him feels much more active and participatory than watching them on my own.
Enjoyable as watching challenging independent and world films has been, my wee movie reviews sank without a ripple.
Like everyone who stumbles into this odd place — part social media, part writing paradise, part opportunity for spiritual growth — I had to learn by doing. And by doing things…